HTML and SEO (Clickbait title: Is Semantic HTML…. DEAD?)

Working At Home With Laptop Woman Writing A Blog. Female

HTML has always been the skeleton of the web: fundamental to its function, usually hidden, missing in certain areas, and important not to break. This HTML and SEO guide is written focused semantic SEO and the technical alignment between HTML and content. Structured Data has been a hot topic issue in SEO this year (as it is many years), and while schema is a major element of structured data, proper HTML formatting is as well.
(If you’re interested in this topic, but not necessarily up on HTML, you can read abasic HTML guide here.)

The Philosophy of HTML and Friendly Browsers

Something that separates HTML from other languages is how forgiving it is. (We can have a fun argument aboutwhether or not HTML is just a markup language, or a declarative programming language. For shorthand and simplicity we’ll go to “language” and you can argue with me on Twitter ) For example, It doesn’t necessarily throw errors if you forget to close markup—it will just assume you want to keep that markup open until the end of the page, where it will helpfully close the element for you.
An exercise for understanding how the browser interprets what you see is looking at the view-source and inspector side by side. (My favorite tool for this isJohn Hogg’s view-rendered-source comparing tool.) The view-source shows what the developer wrote, and the inspector shows what the browser interprets out of that, rendering thrown into the mix.
HTML design is kind of a Schrodinger’s art—you know what it looks like in your browser and the browsers you test on, but there are always use cases that you aren’t expecting (have you tested your site on smart fridges, Nintendo DS browsers, or smart watches? Have you tested screen readers, braille displays? Because those are all ways that people interface with the net nowadays. How does your website feel? How does it sound?)
Semantic HTML is great because it provides all different interpreters a baseline for what the content is and what it means, making even the most stripped-down version of your site interpretable by all sorts of devices—and people. This also helps machines of all sorts interpret your web page—social media and smaller crawlers may not render JavaScript, and accessibility devices use semantic anchors to navigate pages.
Back to friendly browsers: because browsers want to help your HTML, this can lead to some weird behaviors that can be surprising and lead to SEO issues. For example, if you forget to close a tag, the browser will close it for you—albeit, perhaps, after you actually wanted the tag to end.
Page Source
Page Source Screenshot
Inspector View
Inspector View Screenshot
The actual page
The Actual Page Screenshot

The and Semantic HTML

The is where aligning your HTML and your content becomes extremely important.
Semantic elements in the body are a companion to the visual layout of the page. With HTML5, developers will be able to use semantic elements like
